Introduction of TVS
An overview of the:Transient Voltage Suppressor diode (TVS) is referred to as TVS. The electrical characteristics of TVS are determined by P-N junction area, parameter concentration and chip resistance. Its ability to withstand surge current is proportional to its P-N junction area.
The characteristics of:Fast reaction speed (pS level), small volume, low clamping voltage, high reliability. The 10/1000μs wave pulse power ranges from 400W to 30000W, and the peak pulse current ranges from a few amps to a few hundred amps. Commonly used TVS tubes have breakdown voltages ranging from 5V to 550V. And high reliability, within the scope of TVS tube specification, reliable performance, no deterioration, long service life.
Application:TVS is widely used in semiconductor and sensitive parts protection, secondary power and signal circuit protection, as well as anti-static.
The principle of TVS
1. TVS is used for transient surge suppression and is connected in parallel with the protected device.
2. Under normal working conditions, TVS exhibits high impedance to the protected line. When the instantaneous voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage, TVS will provide a low impedance path for the instantaneous current. The transient current flowing to the protected component is shunted to the TVS diode, while the Voltage at both ends of the protected component is limited to the Clamping Voltage at both ends of TVS. When this overvoltage condition disappears, the TVS diode will return to the high-impedance state.